After reading this article, I relate to some of the issues they point out when it comes to comprehending certain reading and thinking. Many such as I struggle to comprehend long pieces and writing verses looking on the web for reassurance. They also talk about the majority of the people including bloggers saying that they stop reading actual books and other written forms on paper. The more we look at the world wide web, the more we lose the ability to comprehend printed/elongated articles and books. People already don't like to read long paragraphs and even long texts. We are so use to just skimming paragraphs and getting information from websites that we don't take the time to actually figure it out ourselves. Even though they seen an increase in reading since the 70's and the 80's, it still poses some concerns. Our ability to actually think for ourselves and writing for ourselves will eventually decrease. In my opinion, we will eventually not be able to do anything for ourselves because we depend on technology to do it for us.
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